Brew Recipe

6 Gallons  -  All Grain

OG: 1.062         FG: 1.012

Alcohol by Volume: 6.56 %


15.9 (HCU)

11.2 (SRM)

Recipe Style:

Specialty Grains
  • Munich - German   (8 ounces)
  • Crystal 60L - American   (8 ounces)
  • CaraMunich - German   (8 ounces)
  • Pilsen - German   (12 pounds)  
Mash Schedule

153 degrees for 90 min
170 degree batch sparge for 30 min

Strike Water: 5.06 gallons (20.25 quarts)
Sparge Water: 3.7 gallons (14.80 quarts)
Total Water: 8.76 gallons (35.05 quarts)

Efficiency: 104%

Hop Additions
  • Centennial Pellet  (2.25oz.- 8.8% AA)  90 min
  • East Kent Goldings Pellet  (0.5oz.- 4.7% AA)  15 min
  • Cascade Pellet  (0.5oz.- 5% AA)  15 min
  • Cascade Pellet  (1oz.- 5% AA)  2 min
  • Cascade Pellet  (0.5oz.- 5% AA)  Dry Hop

IBUs: 83.3

Boil Additions
  • Malto-Dextrin  (6 ounces)  90 min
  • Wyeast 1056 - American Ale Yeast (Liquid)
  • Wyeast 5526 - Brettanomyces Lambicus (Liquid)
Priming Solution
  • Corn Sugar  (5 ounces)
Bi-Polar India Pale Ale

Primary Fermentation: 7 days
Secondary Fermentation: 3.9 weeks (27 days)
Bottle Conditioning: 2.1 weeks (15 days)
Total Aging Time: 7 weeks (49 days)

Brewing Notes

Split batch in half after primary.  Added Brett to one half (the wild side) and lef the other as-is (the tame side).

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